Malcolm X (right) doesn't have anything on
Barack Obama (left). While X had the power to command the whole black community.
Obama might soon have the power to command the whole United States.
Obama is the front runner for becoming the first Black President. The question is
wether white America will allow it to happen? And if it does, will his life be
treatened daily? A risk no reasonable man would want to take. But
Obama isn't the ordinary man. He's much like Malcolm X; a natural born leader.
He's become so popular that women actually cry in his presence. His following grows bigger with each and every campaign stop. Recently Oprah Winfrey jumped in and
publicly supports
Obama. And everyone knows that when the you have Oprah's approval, you're set. Her show reaches so many viewers and her follow is so huge that they would do anything she says. Her influence is much much greater than a Jedi Master.
Or he could very well be the anti-
christ. Everyone falls in love with him and gains
every one's trust and then he turns into the devil. Who knows, but if there was a black male that could win the Presidency at this day in age, he would be the one. Al
Sharpton, Jesse Jackson are both wannabes of their
predecessor Martin Luthor King and Malcolm X. If those two were still alive today, there would be no Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson.We'll know by years end if 2009 will be the beginning of change as the first minority (black) man becomes a president or if the first female will become president. Or not the people can vote Ron Paul! I don't know who the F-cup he is but I see those "Google Ron Paul" shirts everywhere. I kinda want one now.