
Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Just read an article from the Los Angles Times [] that Bale's assault claims were pretty much that of a verbal and not physical. Apparently Bale confronted his mother [Jenny Bale] about some outrageous comments he made about he and his wife. Things got loud and more outrageous things were said by both Bale, Jenny, and added to the mix his sister.

Again like I speculated this was a "family issue" that got blow out of proportion. Families fight all the time. People get loud and verbally abusive, and on extreme occasions they get physical. But not in this case. Though I heard rumors that Bale bumped his mother as he walked past her. But again if that were the case it's nothing serious. We the media need to stop blowing this out of proportion.

Bale has said he's enduring a lot of stress lately with the his marriage going through a difficult patch, dealing with the loss of his co-star Heath Ledger, fielding questions about Ledger, and the long hours of promoting The Dark Knight. He's become depressed over it. [He truly is Bruce Wayne]

A friend of Bale's said that usually when things get heated Bale will leave, call a friend and go to the nearest pub to cool off. But in this case Bale was trapped in the hotel room because the media, fans, and paparazzi were outside.

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